About Us & Our Results
✨ Helping Established Business Coaches & Consultants achieve Triple Profits and Sustainably Scale their Businesses leveraging our unique Scale Partnership model ✨
 David Kellam 

Principal Consultant

David Kellam is the CEO of Your Scale Partner™, as well as the Principal Consultant in charge of Program Delivery and is the creator of our proprietary Strategic Offer Development frameworks.

David has built three 7 figure businesses and generated over $9M in business over the last 15 years.

David has particular expertise in strategy, operations, marketing & technology.

Tony Devin 

Principal Consultant

Tony has a long and successful history of building, acquiring, improving and selling professional services firms and leveraging strategic partnerships for exponential growth.

Tony is a Principal Consultant at Your Scale Partner and is intimately involved in the development of IP and delivery of consulting services around the Multiple Streams of Revenue & Referral Partner strategies in particular.

Tony has owned several 7 and multi-7-figure businesses, and contributed to the successful growth stories of dozens more.

Tony has particular expertise in leadership, strategy & business development.

 Louisse Samson 
Agency Operations Manager

Louisse was the former Operations Manager for one of David's 7-figure businesses which involved significant expertise development in offer creation, design & fulfilment of online leveraged transformational programs and in delivering marketing agency services. Louisse has also run and transformed a pure marketing agency.

Louisse now runs our agency services across both technology and marketing. She also leads our project management function.
Our Results
Brisbane-based Accounting Firm

Tony acquired an accounting firm (under NDA) doing $1.3M in fees. He took this to $2M inside 11 months then successfully sold the business off this uptick.

Integrated Financial Services Business

Pre-GFC, Tony built up an integrated financial services practice to over $7M a year with 45 staff. Excluding legacy clients who are, as Tony calls it, functionally philanthropic, every SME client averaged 4.02 revenue streams per client, for an overall average above 3 including these legacy clients.


During his 7 year journey as an independent strategic consultant specialising in leveraged business growth and offshoring, whilst living in the Philippines, Tony helped (amongst dozens of similar such examples) a Washington-based Accounting Firm grow from $2.5M to $5M in fees whilst halving their onshore staff count.

Changing Perspectives in 60 Minutes
International Deals

As the newly appointed CEO of an innovative product-based company,  Tony generated significant international interest in multi-7 and 8-figure contracts for a proprietary product, amongst them from national Defence Forces and international Aid Agencies.

Process Improvement

Both Tony and David have an extensive background in Business Process Improvement. As but one example, David helped a small building surveying company eliminate an entire administrative role and cut customer service turnaround time by 80% through implementing a bespoke
automation platform.

Experts in Changing Business Models

David helped an online business transform from managing subcontractors to running a
marketplace, cutting admin time by 80% and improving margins and enabling national scale.

Hundreds of Offers

David has consulted with hundreds of coaches, consultants and professional service providers to help them craft high ticket, high margin & high impact offers for delivering transformational programs and services.

Across this work he helped them generate $8M in new business (that we managed to track), most of it at 80% margins.

Transformed Strategy

David is currently working with Terence Tam in a private business coaching capacity.

He'll be able to tell you about the transformative shifts in his thinking around positioning, his offer, managing complexity in fulfilment and differentiating himself in an otherwise fairly competitive market. We're still executing his plan.

Video Testimonial coming shortly.

From 6 to 7 going on 8 Figures

Over the last 8 months, Tony & David have taken a startup business in the short-term rental market from 20 properties to 50 and on track for 100 within 6 months, but most importantly they’re now prepared to scale to 300-400 by the end of next year.

Tens of Thousands of Leads

David helped generate tens of thousands of leads for just 2 companies leveraging a proprietary online virtual summit format.

These leads turned into multiple 6-figures in short and medium-long-term sales for an over 10X ROI.

USD$320,000 across 54 Clients in 5 Days

David was co-host of a transformational live event experience that culminated in 54 high ticket enrolments into a USD$10,000 Program and $320,000 in cash collected sales in the first 2 months.

I have scores of testimonials for the quality of this Event, including especially from non-buyers.

$100,000 in 4 Events

Today, David leverages a proprietary Live Roundtable Process that in its infancy generated $100,000 across 4 events with purely organic promotion on LinkedIn.

Validating & Launching a $25,000 Offer in 7 days
David worked with Shane Melanson to reposition and repackage his offer. Shane was extremely nervous about the price point and didn't believe people would buy it, but trusted the process and got it done.
Made her week
23 New Deals at 6X the Price

David worked with Liam Austin to take what he did and turn it into a higher value transformational program, simultaneously delivering higher prices, higher margin and, most importantly, higher client impact.

Liam generated six figures cash collected ($USD) and 7 figures in projected back end revenue following our proven Strategic Offer Development process.

3X the Price and sold 4 without even trying

David worked with Josh to repackage his offer from $8,000 to $25,000 and sold 4 already before even starting to market it.

This involved significant detailed discussion to ensure that fulfilment was not only high margin, but scalable.

More importantly, Josh's clients started achieving more transformational results as a result of the Preeminent Leadership philosophy baked into the Offer and Enrolment Process.

This is for a USD$100,000 Offer...
Mindset Transformation
USD$60K sold.
... and another USD$120K.
Built a 20,000+ person engaged email list...
World Class conversion statistics (before improving show-up rate, which is now consistently at 35% using additional techniques developed since), which resulted in 20 strategy sessions and six figures in cash-collected sales. 91% net retention from the 15m to the 3h mark on a free live training.
"Cheers, and thanks again for today! I got so much incredible food for thought out of it that I'm still reeling a bit. One lunch was easily years of mistakes knocked off my professional life."

After advising a service provider recently out of corporate life on their strategic positioning, offer development and go-to-market strategy.
Making it into the "Business Bible" of a several times over 7-figure business owner...
Need to talk further? Grab a time below
If you can't find a time that suits, email david@growthlabpartners.com.au and we'll sort something out manually.
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Your Scale Partner™
PO Box 198
Collins Street West
VIC 8007

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Your Scale Partner™

Level 3, 240 Queen Street,
Brisbane City, Qld. 4000

© 2024 Your Scale Partner™