✨ Helping Established Business Coaches & Consultants achieve Triple Profits and Sustainably Scale their Businesses leveraging our unique Scale Partnership model ✨
Welcome to Your Scale Partner™

Leverage $100M of Value Creation and work with us as Your Scale Partner™
Follow our proven process to reach the next level of success in your business while ensuring you don't just make more money, but have more time and more energy along the way.

Partnership Overview

Check out this document for an overview of how the Your Scale Partnership™ works:

Our Ongoing Plan

Once everything is set up, dialed into KPIs, and making money, saving time and increasing in energy, then we’ll start bringing in extra scaling horsepower in both marketing and fulfillment (as well as operations where needed to support) to help you scale as far as you want to go - we’ve hit $7M before and we’re on our own journey to $100M and beyond right now, we can certainly help you through 6 and 7.

What this looks like will be incredibly tailored for your life and your business. We will begin planning for this towards the end of the Initial 16 Weeks and map out the subsequent 3 months in terms of goals, strategies & activities. As long as we keep working together, we will continue this cycle.

There is no obligation to continue past the initial 16 weeks, or to commit there after longer than 3 months.

Investment Summary
Straight Fee for Service

If you like the sound of what we’re doing here, but you know your business, know your numbers, and know that when we pull this off you’re going to be paying us a small fortune, and would rather keep that upside for yourself, that’s totally fine. 

I respect that!

You can engage us on a monthly basis with an initial 4 month commitment for $5,000 (USD) per month.

If you want to select this option, we will do this slightly differently - we will execute the full agreement first, then invoice you for the monthly fee (rather than credit card). Email david@yourscalepartner.com.au with the subject line RETAINER to get started on this.

Revenue Share Partnership

Alternatively, if you want to:
  • pay less upfront, 
  • with a lower commitment and risk and, most importantly,
  • have aligned incentives for mutual growth and profit,
this is the best option for you

We work to a flat 20% revenue share, which is measured in two ways:
  1. Only incremental growth counts, not growth you would have got anyway without us, and
  2. We use specific lead source and conversion source attribution to track which clients came from which lead generation and lead conversion activities so there’s no argument or confusion

So you’re only paying for the value we demonstrably and numerically add to your business, and only a minority fraction of that.

Zero equity.

This is an initial 4 month commitment and we commit to having a frank and fearless economic discussion on a rolling three month basis to make sure it’s still working for both of us.

We understand that as you scale, your numbers are going to change - you may start introducing ad spend for instance, which alters your front end economics quite dramatically. We get that and will work with you every quarter to make sure we are always in alignment in terms of both energy and incentive.

There is a small $7,500 setup cost which covers all of the initial consulting, mentoring, tech and marketing build out and your first 3 months worth of Done For You Promotion across up to 3 LinkedIn accounts. 

This is our cost price. 

For context - most agencies would charge you more than this JUST for LinkedIn on a single account over 3 months, and we’re doing about 10X that scope.

That’s the only upfront commitment you need to make

Everything thereafter is on a win-win revenue share basis.

**Obvious but important note: We clearly want to make more money with Option 2 vs Option 1. If you do the math, this means we are gunning to make you more than $300K per annum under this option or frankly we’re better off not taking the risk and just working on a straight fee-for-service model. This is what I mean about aligned incentives 😀

To choose this option, continue to fill in the form below.

OPTION 2: Revenue Share Partnership
Personal Information
Billing Information
Note: for a further 2.9% fee reduction (our processing costs) or to pay in $AUD in Australia, full payments can be made via ACH/Wire (USA) or Direct Deposit (AU). To take up this option:
1. Make sure "One-time payment of $7,500" is selected below (this is the default)
2. Enter coupon code TRANSFER and submit the form. This will push through either a $0 or a $1 automatically refunded transaction depending on your card
3. Make payment manually - ask David or your enrolment consultant for the link (we're not sharing our bank details here for security reasons)
4. Notify David when done via email to david@yourscalepartner.com.au

Note: 2.9% off $7,500 makes it $7,282.50 instead
(Or USD$8,010.75 with 10% GST in Australia)
🚀 In the USA and need financing? 🌟
Exciting News! 🎉 We're offering from 0% interest funding to fuel your entrepreneurial dreams! 💰
Apply now for this incredible opportunity with no negative credit impact! Don't miss out on zero-interest funding to take your business to new heights. 💼
Visit https://www.7figurescredit.com/?a_aid=YOURSCALEPARTNER to apply today with no negative impact to your credit! 📲

Note for Australian Clients:
1. 10% GST is added for Australian Clients.
2. Our services are priced in and this page charges in $USD

Write to Us

Your Scale Partner™
PO Box 198
Collins Street West
VIC 8007

Visit Us

Your Scale Partner™

Level 3, 240 Queen Street,
Brisbane City, Qld. 4000
